Vote Tomorrow
For those of you who live in Tulsa County, don't forget to vote tomorrow. And, if you've been listening to the people who say there's nothing fun to do in Tulsa and feel it necessary to allocate other people's money to go toward river development, take a look at City Councilor Roscoe Turner's list of 35 things to do in the Tulsa area.
There are many hard-working people who live paycheck to paycheck; many elderly who worked their whole lives to retire on a very limited income, these people cannot afford to pay more taxes for your entertainment - especially those who live in areas of Tulsa where the city has made promises and reneged on them time and time again.Now, if that isn't persuasion enough to vote NO tomorrow, than I don't know what is.So, get out and spend some of your young professional money and generate some tax revenue, and before long we will have the money to fix the streets, open swimming pools and recreation centers at our community parks, mow the grass in all areas of the city, fix broken water lines and provide public safety by hiring more police. Then maybe, just maybe, we can take a look at doing something with YOUR RIVER.
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