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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Goals, Desires, Wishes and Dreams for Myself

be wise
be joyful
encourage others
to be a self-less person
be a good wife
* be a supportive wife
* be a submissive wife (I try to lead too much)
* be a help to Tim
* be a good daughter-in-law
* be a support to Diann
to raise Mac to love Jesus and be a disciplined follower of Him
be a healthy disciple
* spiritually
o have a structured "quiet time"
o memorize scripture
o fast (and pray) regularly
o be a good example/witness to friends and family
o know God's Word, well
o know Bible History better
o practice the spiritual disciplines well
o refine and use my talents: especailly singing and playing keyboard
* physically
o live simply
o eat healthy
o learn to prepare 10 excellent meals
* mentally
o read more books
o learn to remember peoples names
* emotionally
o think before I speak
o complain less

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